Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Scarlett Johansson on fitness and weight loss

Ran across this article from last week. Not that I am some kind of super Scarlet Johansson fan, but I have to admit that she makes some very good points in this article.

Exercise today is completely skewed from from what it was many years ago. At one time it was something called physical culture. It was about strength, health, grace, stamina, flexibility, good digestion, deep breathing and "beautiful" exercise. The hard bodies, carved physiques and the like were a product of the lifestyle. Not like it is today.

T. H. Sarkari  The Indian Sandow shows grace and strength
T. H. Sarkari "The Indian Sandow" shows grace and strength

The picture above shows how well that approach worked. Form followed function. The appearance was a side benefit of fitness. NOT the end in itself. Back then men developed strong backs. A big measure of strength and fitness. Their chests were hard and muscled but nothing like today's bodybuilder that sports over sized breasts. The lifestyle was much more for health and well being. If you were to read some of Thomas Jefferson's experiences on the subject you would see that he believed in fitness as a well being approach. Totally unlike today's magazine covers. Crammed with pictures (as Scarlett Johansson mentioned) of who has gained how many pounds or some such nonsense.Today this should be very exciting news for women because all these exercises, concepts and progressions can be applied to you to. So YOU TOO can be virile, , strong and more graceful. AND you can look great too.

Scarlett also said (in the article) that a chin up is near to impossible. This is not true at all. It might take a year or more but a well thought out and progressive exercise program could get most anyone doing chin ups. Overweight people, weak people. It doesn't matter. The old "Charles Atlas" story may seem corny today but it's true. People CAN totally change their bodies. If you get sand kicked in your face it CAN serve to wake you up and get you started on a nutrition/exercise program. Changing your body in ways you might not believe. Today seems like a good a time as any since "change" seems to be the buzzword. Barack Obama won in a landslide election based on that word!

Famous Charles Atlas ad
Famous Charles Atlas ad

How do YOU do it? First decide that you want to change. Then realize that to do it right it takes time. Back in the old days people who could barely lift a weight were taught that over the course of long persistent and consistent effort they could make incredible gains. Guess what? Those who went out and did it made the gains. Not surprisingly they were able to make huge gains in their strength, stamina and flexibility. Oh yeah, they looked great too. This is one of many reasons why FFTV is not the same old, same old stuff. Hopefully it will help to open your mind a little to other possibilities. Sigh. I can hope can't I?



PLenty more to read about at my site too

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